
HS2 will deliver a new £1.3 billion super hub high speed interchange and the area is predicted to increase the UK’s economy by £7.6 billion a year.

Homes & Jobs

London’s population is projected to rise to around 11 million by 2050, The Project will provide up to 25,000 new homes and around 65,000 new jobs.

The Future


Plans to lower and widen Old Oak Common Lane, which will improve access to the station for buses and pedestrians. A new road and cycleway are proposed, aligned along the northern edge of the station. When the station opens this will provide access for buses, taxis, drop-off, and emergency vehicles.

A new focal Point

A new public square will be created outside the station entrance. It will provide an arrival space when approaching from Old Oak Common Lane, and will provide connection between the new passenger drop-off, taxi, and bus interchange, It will also include seating and cycle parking. Has the potential to be used for displaying public artwork and provide a new focal point for the growing community.


To the West of the station, an extensive area of dedicated space will be accessible to the public. This part of the design will be developed and submitted to OPDC for agreement under Schedule 17 at a future date. This space could be used for activities such as festivals, markets, play spaces and art displays.